Climate Guardians Project

Welcome to the Arraial CO2 Legal program 

A replica of the CO2 Legal Tourism Program Climate Guardians

Become a Climate Guardian too!
and understand how we all can win here!!!

Building Climate Guardian Tourism Destinations

Transforming Brazilian tourist destinations into “Climate Guardians” is an innovative proposal that creates a broad system of shared value to act in favor of the climate, the protection and regeneration of forests, ecosystems and biodiversity, agroecological agriculture, the socioeconomic inclusion of social groups living in vulnerable situations and the sustainability of tourist destinations.

The engagement of businesspeople, residents and tourists of Arraial d’Ajuda (and any other tourist destination) is essential for the preservation of our greatest asset and attraction: nature and a healthy social fabric. 

And it is with this in mind that the Verdejar d’Ajuda Association decided to replicate this innovative project so that Arraial d’Ajuda becomes an increasingly sustainable destination, committed to preservation and social inclusion!

Let’s do this together?!

How does it work? Who can participate and how?

Hotels, pousadas and tourism businesses

Hotels and pousadas measure their consumption of electricity, gas and other types of energy, with the guidance and collaboration of our team to determine carbon emissions to offset them; this measurement must be done during the high and low seasons, in order to calculate the average. The measurement is simple and objective and the value of the offsets is not onerous in any way. (R$60.00 per ton of GHG emitted in the operation of the business).
Innkeepers can include the symbolic value of the offset for each tourist who will be hosted by the inn or hotel in the price of the package.

In return:
The hotel receives the ARRAIALCO2LEGAL seal – becoming a Climate Guardian that will be publicized on our social networks, in addition to receiving a Panel with a QR code that will allow its guests to access the benefits of the program during their stay and more details about it.

Did you know that tourism is responsible for approximately 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions?

Restaurants, bars, ice cream shops, shops, galleries, beauty and well-being services, etc.

They offer discounts, gifts or some other benefit to tourists who hold the card and earn it by making their compensation upon arrival at the hotel where they will be staying.

In return:
The establishments that join this program will be promoted on our social networks, will receive the ARRAIALCO2LEGAL – Climate Guardians seal and will be publicized and recommended on a page created exclusively to indicate to tourists where they will have these benefits, motivating them to visit these establishments and services.

 Tourism in Brazil is practiced with little socio-environmental responsibility, which has generated many negative impacts; unfortunately, all tourist destinations in the country have social groups living in vulnerable situations and excluded from the tourism economy.


Domestic tourists contribute R$10 and international tourists contribute R$40 (an amount that is usually included in the cost of accommodation) to offset the CO2 emissions of the trip that brings them to Arraial d’Ajuda.

In return:
When checking in, each guest receives the ArraialCO2Legal benefits card and access to a page where they can see all the establishments that offer discounts and/or gifts that would easily outweigh the contribution made by them, whether or not this is included in the cost of the accommodation.

Tourists are privileged people from a socioeconomic point of view, who can contribute to the sustainability of tourist destinations.

Your trip can make a difference!

And where do the resources raised by the program go?

The resources from offsetting emissions finance a set of actions in tourist destinations that meet 9 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN Agenda for 2030, encouraging the engagement of communities, families in vulnerable conditions, collectors of recycled materials and others in protecting the environment, making them protagonists of this transition. For example, encouraging and training them to produce seedlings for reforestation and urban afforestation and/or organic food, in the preservation of areas where they live. The resources raised will also be used for the implementation of the project itself, paying trainers, replicators, dissemination, production of cards, content, totems, etc., thus co-creating a beneficial “wave” that propels us as a community to become a true tourist destination worthy of the Tourism CO2 Legal Guardians of the Climate seal.

Want to participate?
Want to be a guardian of the Climate?
Want to ask questions?
Want to support us in affirming this innovative proposal here in Arraial d’Ajuda?

Send us a WhatsApp or email and we will be happy to share all the necessary information with all interested parties!

Want to learn more about the program?

See the original program here
Follow us on Instagram @arraialco2legal