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Do you have any idea of the importance of a seedling nursery for our city?
A seedling nursery is a place where seedlings and seeds are planted and cared for until they reach the ideal size to be transplanted in definitive locations. In them, seedlings of fruit, ornamental and native species are cultivated, used in the replacement of deforested areas and revitalization projects. The seedlings can also be donated for use in streets, squares and other green areas, compensating for the disorderly growth of cities where part of the trees is suppressed and helping their sustainability. A nursery is also an ideal place to carry out projects related to environmental education.
Verdejar d’Ajuda started the NURSERY PROJECT 5 years ago.
At the time, it was located within Central Park, but it had to be temporarily transferred to the private land of one of the members of the Association’s board of directors, Marcos Teixeira.
Until the beginning of the pandemic, a group met weekly to fill the bags with dirt and plant the seeds that were donated by several people. Although the pandemic caused the suspension of these meetings, the maintenance of the seedlings continued to be carried out.
When these seedlings reached the ideal size to be transplanted, we had the idea of planting them in the area destined for the woodland in our town’s Central Park. Thus, the WOODLAND PROJECT was born. In addition to planting most of the seedlings, some were sold and donated to projects in the region.
Even though it is a temporary nursery, the president of the Associação Socioambiental Verdejar d’Ajuda, Cristina Branco, emphasizes that it has met the demands well so far.

However, there is a larger project for the construction of a permanent nursery and a greenhouse for seed germination.
These structures will be built inside the designated place in the Central Park with the support of Sociedade Amigos de Arraial d’Ajuda and the District Administration. The project includes the construction of a center where various courses will be held, in addition to environmental education activities.
Unfortunately, this dream had to be postponed to the second half of this year. Since we are still just volunteers, we do not have enough people working in all the projects yet and we have to prioritize. The priority now is to finish the actions that are already in progress.
If you are a plant lover, interested in sustainability projects and, above all, do not want to see Arraial losing all the beauty and exuberance of its vegetation, get in touch with VERDEJAR D’AJUDA and find out how you can participate or collaborate with this action.
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