Summary 2021

Dear supporters and volunteers of Verdejar d’Ajuda!

We want to share with you a brief summary of the association’s activities during the year 2021 and sincerely thank everyone who in one or another way supports, donates, trusts, suggests, informs and above all those who actively participate! TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!

  • The woodland project in the Park remains strong thanks to the volunteer work of some supporters and the constancy of the associates Marcos Mafalda  and Massimiliano Cremonesi. A weekly dynamic was created that preserves the planted area from possible fires, keeping it clean, taking care of the more than 600 seedlings planted so far, visibly transforming this area of ​​our Central Park.
  • This year so far approximately 140 seedlings have been planted, many of them donated by Fernando Azevedo, a great partner of Verdejar and another 50 sold and/or donated. This is still very little compared to what we want and are going to plant! The pandemic left us a little inactive in the nursery activities, but we trust that with the professionalization of the nursery and the participation of more volunteers and donors in 2022 we will intensify both seedling production and planting!
  • In the nursery we have 160 seedlings ready for planting for sale to help with the costs of restructuring and professionaling the nursery, which will ideally house 3000 seedlings until the end of the year 2022, and it is without a doubt our most important and immediate project. Contact us in private to purchase one or more of these beautiful seedlings ready for planting!!!
  • Based on some workshops with the facilitator in the elaboration of Projects Fernanda Scur, we presented a proposal for Structuring the Seedling Nursery, written collectively by our team: Regis Bailux, Erica Munaro, Antonella Zara and Marcos Mafalda; the project was selected for a pro bono consultancy under the Project Impact Projects Program of the company 3M in partnership with the NGO Pixera Global, lasting eight weeks. A team effort that taught and challenged us a lot for two months! The objective is to professionalize the Nursery Educator to generate income that allows the sustainability and expansion of the nursery itself, aiming at a regular and professional production of seedlings, focusing on seedlings of native trees (but not exclusively), also providing that this Educator Nursery project is replicated and expanded to a public area of ​​the Arraial d’Ajuda Central Park and other villages around to meet our mission: Planting one million trees in the region spreading socio-environmental awareness in our territory.
  • Cristina Branco, president of the association, participated in some meetings of the Municipal Environment Council, as well as with local, regional and national associations and collectives. In addition, she worked in the management of the association, developing models and protocols for planning, creating projects and teams, among others, in order to optimize our performance as an association.
  • She also created the Social Mobilization Committee for the development of actions with society and the Technical Committee, with professionals to survey environmental problems and solutions in the municipality, aiming to develop unified strategic planning and articulated with public management whenever possible. ; a long and important way to go.
  • Regarding our participation this year, we highlight the demonstration of the world environment day on June 5, with a beautiful text written and video broadcast by Ilana Lewinsohn, a demonstration that mobilized several people in Arraial, Trancoso, Caraíva and Corumbau! This demonstration caused a positive wave of social participation. 
  • On the same day, our first petition was launched addressed to the competent authorities to claim and demand a more conscious, visionary and respectful management for the environment and the territory in general, we got more than 6 thousand signatures and it will be sent in June 2023, if you haven’t signed yet, sign now
  • On September 18th, World Cleanup Day, Verdejar, in partnership with Coral Vivo, collected, separated and weighed recyclable waste in the Central Park and also planted 33 seedlings.
  • The association participated in two public edicts: from Eletrobrás for the Woodland Project written by Cristina and from the IUCN to create a private reserve of natural heritage written by Erica Munaro and collaborators Ricardo Neder (Department of Social Technology at UnB), Philip Gradon Reed (Translation of the Project for English Version) and Caio Turbay (Maps and the Georeferencing of the Earth) to whom we are also very grateful. Despite being denied, the formal preparation of these projects, the registration in the public notices and the path we have followed, always leaves us with great learning and motivation to persevere!
  • The association website is ready (and beautiful!)! Thanks to Kâ Arraial for her competence and sensitivity to voluntarily retouch and improve every single detail of it. We have a calendar of events, a blog where reports on what is happening are written by some associates and collaborators, a link to donations, our history, our projects and more. Soon we will also have the virtual store working with Atlantic forest seedlings and some sustainable products.
  • Social media is also active thanks to our new collaborator Vera Lucia Costa, who has brought dedication, professionalism and renewed energy to the association, carefully applying her communication and marketing studies to the preparation of educational materials disseminated through social networks. Do you already follow us? Instagram @verdejardajuda / Facebook @verdejardajuda

We will be sharing the planning for 2022 soon and we count on your support, as only together can we advance in this important mission.


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