Sign and share petitions!
Sign the petitions against deforestation and in favor of the conservation and recovery of the Atlantic Forest in our region, launched by Associação Socioambiental Verdejar d’Ajuda or by partners and friends. In addition to other relevant petitions at national and global level. The planet is one, it is our home.
Together we are stronger !
For the conservation and recovery of the Atlantic Forest of Porto Seguro
We […] express through this document to the competent authorities our deep concern, indignation and disapproval in relation to the urban development model of the municipality of Porto Seguro, especially in the districts of Arraial d’Ajuda, Trancoso and Caraíva […]
Request for a Public Hearing to explain deforestation in the municipality
We […] neighbors of Rua da Mata, Bairro Novo Arraial and other citizens of civil society and associations from the Municipality of Porto Seguro and Districts, concerned about the recurrence of deforestation on our street and the excessive waterproofing of the soil, a mirror of a situation on a larger scale and which covers the entire Municipality of Porto Seguro, and which brings irreparable losses to the environment and our quality of life, we ask that you provide us with […]
For the immediate interruption of the clearing of native forest in Arraial d’Ajuda
“Another remaining area of Atlantic Forest in Arraial d’Ajuda is threatened by destruction. This time, the intention approved by the Porto Seguro City Hall in the previous administration is the felling of hundreds of trees from the native forest around the Pitinga Ecological Trail[…]”
Petition in favor of the protection of Mangueiro da Santa
“Real estate speculation led the City Hall to sell the original area of the Sanctuary of N. S. d’Ajuda, the first Marian Sanctuary in Brazil. The sale is invalid as the area was donated to the church in 1965 […]”
Save the Blue Lagoon of Arraial d’Ajuda
“Our goal is to preserve Lagoa Azul, so we created a movement for everyone who wants to participate. We are people concerned with the preservation of all the riches of Arraial and we think of responsible development […]”
Against the increase in the occupancy rate of Estrada da Balsa
“While all over the world the changes in legislation made on land use and occupation aim to preserve as much as possible the natural elements and biodiversity, the Municipality of Porto Seguro, apparently serving the interests of builders and real estate, among others, is heading in the completely opposite direction. […]”
The community of Trancoso, through this petition, requests the competent bodies to immediately interdict irregular work inside the mangrove where the Trancoso River meets the sea and requests the creation of a municipal park (conservation unit), for community use. We demonstrate the popular will for greater protection and preservation of the Trancoso River, including its mouth and estuary. […]
Trancoso asks for help !
“Trancoso faces an important battle against invasions of private land masquerading as social movements and financed by political candidates and real estate speculators. […]”
Investigate the sale of birds on beaches in and around Porto Seguro
As a form of attraction, beach vendors/traders place parakeets on top of sticks with bracelets, in order to attract the attention of tourists. It is noticed that the birds are suffering mistreatment, being exposed to the sun all day.
A cruel and irresponsible exploitation. We ask that this practice be prohibited and that places that practice this type of sale be fined. […]