Volunteer Program 2022

Hello Verdejantes!

After a short break at the end of the year, little by little, we are returning and giving continuity to our projects NURSERY and WOODLAND.

Every Tuesday at our Nursery Educator and on Fridays, at Bosque do Parque Central (Campo), volunteers get together to put into practice our vision of planting 1 million seedlings, sowing a new socio-environmental awareness and honoring the commitment to present and future generations.

We remain firm in our mission of

🌳 Valuing, conserving and recovering ecosystems

🌳 Promote an innovative socio-environmental education and form of participatory and critical awareness

🌳 Weave networks to facilitate the development of creative solutions that enable local communities to participate in public decisions on socio-environmental issues

🌳 Promote the participation of residents

If you care about the future of our planet and that of our Arraial d’Ajuda, be a volunteer yourself:

Every Tuesday, from 9 am at the Nursery Educator: If interested, call Marcos to arrange activities.

Every Friday, from 9 am at Parque Central: Just arrive and introduce yourself to the group that is on site, bringing water, hat and rake, if you have one. And if you don’t have it, just arrive willingly and smily! (more information here)

Contact us through the website or by phone/zap:

73 99976 6737 (Vera)
73 98835 8722 (Marcos)

Vídeo – anotações de Marcos Teixeira

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